As the 2023 Llandeilo Agricultural Show closed its doors for the year, on behalf of the Llandeilo Community Group Against Pylons we want to thank the organisers of the Show for staging a magnificent event that has really showcased the quality of farming, livestock, produce and various horse events with participants from Llandeilo and the surrounding areas.
For the NoPylons campaign, despite our initial marquee blowing off during stormy winds a few days before the Show, the replacement and the information contained inside proved successful welcoming over 210 visitors and 191 signatures to the CPRW petition (The Welsh Countryside Charity petition to ask the Welsh Senedd to consider the full potential of offshore wind). Throughout the day we received lots of interest in the information provided including the location specific maps (https://nopylons.wales/mapindex.html – so that you can check the route) as did the ‘negative impacts’ of Pylons schematic and the Eiffel Tower map of the full route!

Discussion with visitors during the Show and at all previous events continue to demonstrate the level of public opposition to the plans, and while the use of the ‘Cofiwch Ddyffryn’ logo on our t-shirt design has in a minority of cases led to claims of politicising the campaign we remain committed in our resolve to protect our landscape from this needless destruction.
Of course, we understand the need for energy security across the UK and a grid network that is fit for purpose, and to that end we were able to provide factual information to visitors about viable alternatives to Pylons, such as ‘undergrounding’.
Overall a very positive day for our campaign, and we would like to thank everyone that contributed to the preparation work and content, Committee members who answered questions throughout the day, and the Llandovery Pylon Community Action Group for their brilliant support.
Diolch Yn Fawr.
Well done to all involved!