Letter Writing Help - Templates

These templates may be used as the basis for letters of objection, which can save a lot of time rather than composing a letter from scratch. However, we strongly recommend that they are adapted to make your letter personal.

These examples are addressed for Green GEN Cymru but easily adapted for sending to your political representative or other appropriate bodies.

Example 1.

Green Generation Energy Networks Cymru Limited Hodge House
Guildhall Place
CF10 1DY


For the Attention of Bute Energy/GreenGen Cymru,

I am writing to voice my concerns about the electricity line with pylons that you are proposing to put in the Tywi Valley.

There are many reasons to object to the project, but the most important to me are the impacts this will have on tourism, the natural environment, and health.

First, tourism is important in Carmarthenshire – according to the Carmarthenshire County Council, it brought in more than £400 million in 2021. Pylons in an area of such beauty will put people off visiting the area, damaging businesses throughout the valley. These include pubs, restaurants, cafes, bed-and-breakfasts, hotels, and tourist attractions like Newton House and the historic town of Llandeilo.

Second, the Tywi Valley is one of the most beautiful and significant areas in Wales. It is home to many species of birds and small mammals, some of which are on the UK Red List and Wales Red List, and is an important breeding and feeding ground for many kinds of waterfowl. Pylons are known to have an impact on flying birds, while digging up vast tracts of land for undergrounding will affect countless microhabitats, perhaps permanently.

Third, it has been accepted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer that EMFs are possibly carcinogenic, and no one in the valley wants to live with that threat against health. Also, even the UK government accepts a link between EMFs and childhood leukaemia.

In conclusion, I urge you to reconsider the plan. I object in the strongest possible terms.

Yours faithfully,

*** name (printed) ***

*** your address ***

Example 2.

Green Generation Energy Networks Cymru Limited Hodge House
Guildhall Place
CF10 1DY


For the attention of the Bute Energy/GreenGen directors

I oppose your Towy-Usk proposal to put pylons down the Tywi Valley.

The Tywi Valley is one of Wales’ most beautiful and unspoiled areas, and in 2021, the Welsh Government spent nearly £700,000 on the Dyffryn Tywi – Hanes Ein Bro Project. The aim of the project was to study in detail the amazing biodiversity and ecology of the valley, with an aim of safeguarding it for future generations. I fail to understand how Bute Energy/Green Gen Cymru can justify putting pylons in an area of such environmental importance.

The Dyffryn Tywi Project highlighted a number of unique and important things about the valley. First, there is a pattern of ancient hedgerows that have been in place since medieval times. Your pylons aim to slice right across them. Second, the whole valley is littered with Sites of Special Scientific Interest, including important meadows that are home to species that must be protected – such as the rare hairstreak butterfly. Any incursion into these areas risks causing damage that may never be mitigated.

Natural Resources Wales published an interim report in 2019 that found that one in six species in Wales are at risk of extinction – 10% of plants, 8% of fungi and lichens, and 36 % of invertebrates. Seventy-three species have been lost forever since 1973.

Some of this is due to excessive CO2 emissions leading to rapid climate change, showing there is a need for clean energy. However, this clean energy must be produced carefully, and it is difficult to see how driving a massive transmission line through an environmentally sensitive area will help. Indeed, it could well lead to the decline of even more species. Driving pylons or underground cables will damage or destroy delicate ecosystems in the valley, and some will never recover.

I strongly oppose the Tywi-Usk project and urge you to abandon something that will be so potentially damaging for the nature in our wonderful valley.

Yours faithfully,

*** name (printed) ***

*** your address ***

Example 3.

Green Generation Energy Networks Cymru Limited Hodge House
Guildhall Place
CF10 1DY


My reasons for objecting to Bute Energy’s plans for the Tywi Valley

  1. It will have a negative impact on tourism, because visitors come here to enjoy the unspoiled scenery. Pylons cutting across the landscape will cause them to go elsewhere. Local businesses will suffer, and job losses will occur in the hospitality sector.
  2. I am concerned about the impact these pylons and cables will have on the health of the people forced to live near them. There is some suggestion that there is a link between childhood leukaemia and electro-magnetic fields, while a great deal of research has shown a link between cables and cancers of various kinds.
  3. The valley is home to many species of birds that feed and breed at different times of year, not to mention the ones that live here all year around. Large birds, like swans, are known to fly into electricity cables and be killed, as happened a few weeks ago in southeast England, where five swans were killed within days of a cable coming into operation.
  4. The valley is home to important meadows and grasslands, with a wide range of insects, small mammals and plants. Many of these will be disrupted at best and destroyed at worst. You promise to keep damage to a minimum or rebuild what you damage, but it would be better to leave them alone in the first place.
  5. There will be a huge amount of disruption to agriculture and farming while the project is underway. Fields will be put out of action, and tons of concrete poured into them. Even if the cables are put underground, large sections of land will have to be fenced off until subsidence has finished. It will change the land forever.
  6. The Tywi Valley is rich in historical buildings and sites. No one wants to visit an atmospheric medieval castle and have pylons surrounding it.

I urge you to reconsider your plans and leave the valley unspoiled for future generations.

Yours faithfully,

*** name (printed) ***

*** your address ***

Example 4.

Green Generation Energy Networks Cymru Limited Hodge House
Guildhall Place
CF10 1DY


TO: The Directors of GreenGen Cymru/Bute Energy

I am writing to voice my objections to your plans to put a pylon line down the length of the Tywi Valley from the area of the Radnor Forest.

I am concerned not only about the damage that will be done to the Tywi Valley by the scheme, but of the impact on the whole of mid Wales. I understand that Bute Energy already has applications for 22 wind farms in Wales, and the building of this transmission line will likely lead to many more – not just from yourselves, but from other companies aiming to make money from the Welsh Government’s desire to produce green energy. However, we need to balance the need for clean energy against damage to the natural environment.

Wind farms can have a negative impact on the environment – they require many tons of concrete to be poured to hold them up, they require many trees to be felled (NRW says 1.5 million have been felled in Wales to date, just to build wind farms), and the ones at Nant Mithil will be built on peatland, at a time when peat is known to be an important sink for CO2 and therefore should be protected.

It is often said that Wales is windy, and so this wind should be harnessed to generate free power. However, Wales relies on tourism, and studies have shown that people who travel to an area to enjoy its wild and unspoiled nature will be unlikely to choose an area littered with wind farms.

I am deeply concerned for the future of tourism in Wales if this scheme goes ahead. I am also very worried that the pylons will start an industrialisation of this part of the country – that once it has been spoiled by pylons and wind farms, other applications for environmentally insensitive projects will follow. You may think that because mid Wales is sparsely populated it can be despoiled, but you would be wrong. Those of us who live here care very much for our homes, our friends, our landscape, and our businesses, and we will fight very hard to protect them.


*** name (printed) ***

*** your address ***