Who's Who

Useful Contacts

Julie James

Julie James MS
(Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning)

Vaughan Gething MS

Rt Hon Vaughan Gething MS
(First Minister of Wales)

Eluned Morgan

Eluned Morgan MS
(Regional Member Mid & West Wales, Minister for Health and Social Services)

Joyce Watson

Joyce Watson MS
(Regional Member Mid & West Wales)

Ann Davies MP

Ann Davies
(MP for Caerfyrddin)

contact details coming soon

David Chadwick MP

David Chadwick
(MP for Brecon, Radnor & Cwm Tawe)

contact details coming soon

Green GEN Cymru

Green GEN Towy-Usk team

email info@greengentowyusk.com


phone Telephone: 0800 3777 339 (office hours 9 to 5/answer phone out of hours)

websitewebsite contact form