Bank details for bank transfer or SO are:
Tywi Pylons Ltd
Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 30-99-50
Account number: 82797960
If preferred you can post a cheque to -
60 Broad Street
SA20 0AY
How do we use our funds?
No-one in the campaign group is paid for their involvement, but whilst we all give our time for free, there are unavoidable costs involved in the process of campaigning that need to be covered, including –:
- Legal costs. We have asked for a legal opinion, and there may come a time when we need to instruct solicitors/barristers to represent us.
- Professional PR and lobbying advice. At this stage we have been provided with some advice for free but may need to seek professional help in the future.
- Publicity & general expenses. Printing and distribution of leaflets, reports, and campaign documents all cost money, as does the ongoing online presence of the campaign web site. These costs will continue as the campaign progresses. We also have periodic expenses when running public campaign meetings – hire of premises, provision of refreshments etc.
Tywi Pylons Ltd is a not-for-profit group and whilst we cannot PROMISE we will beat the pylons proposal, here is our simple pledge on how the money will be used and accounted for:
- 100% of the money will be used to support the campaign against the pylons proposal and to push for a better alternative.
- We will keep accurate accounts of monies received and spent and will publish accounts annually to show how it is being used.
- We have lots of people helping and supporting the group and they will be involved, as appropriate, to work out how we spend our funds for the benefit of everyone along the pylon route.
- From a governance perspective we will have a small group to give final approval for any proposals to spend money.
None of the people who are part of the group will be paid, their time is 100% donated. Only the professionals we need help from will be paid.
A small amount of money may be used to cover travel expenses to meet people and companies as part of the ongoing campaign work e.g., MPs, agencies etc. Expenses will be kept as low as possible and checked by those with governance responsibility.